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Reports & Blogs

Blog Posts & Articles​​

  • Sonne, L. (2012) Searchlight South Asia Urban Poverty Trends Anniversary Issue. For the Rockefeller Foundation.

  • Sonne, L. (2012). Women at the Margin, Searchlight South Asia, Vol. 4:3.

  • Sonne, L. (2012). Pavement Dwellers, Searchlight South Asia, Vol. 4:2.

  • Sonne, L. (2012). Inclusive Urban Planning, Searchlight South Asia, Vol. 3: 12

  • Sonne, L. (2012). Urbanisation Beyond the Megacities, Searchlight South Asia, Vol. 3: 11.

  • Sonne, L. (2011). Banking on Rural India, The Global Dispatches, May 19.

  • Sonne, L. (2021) Women’s Mobile Phone Access and Use: Implications for Financial Services Provides, Dvara practitioner brief.
  • Sonne, L.  et al. (2018) Benchmarking International & Indian Trends, Best Practices and Challenges in Reading for Pleasure and Access to Library Services for Children. For Tata Trusts.

  • Sonne, L. (2018) Kraftsamla: Analysing Gender Diversity and Map Skilling Efforts to Increase Women’s Participation in cluster of Swedish Firms in Pune in Bangalore. For Embassy of Sweden & Swedish Chamber of Commerce.

  • Sonne, L.  & Dhanwani, R.  (2017) India’s cultural and creative industries landscape, and emerging trends. For the British Council.

  • Sonne, L.  & Dhanwani, R. (2017) Skills and Skills Gaps in Mumbai’s Cultural Sector. For the Cultural Skills Unit, British Council.

  • Sonne, L. (2016) Snapshot of India’s Startup Ecosystem. For CII.

  • Sonne, L. (2015) Social Enterprise Ecosystems in Agriculture, Health and Energy across Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan. For the World Bank Group and SAARC Development Fund.

  • Sonne, L. (2015) Local Government and Local Economic Development in South Asia. For the Commonwealth Local Government.

  • Sonne, L.(2014) Local Enterprise Ecosystems in India: snapshots of nine regions. For Villgro and Citi Foundation.

  • Sonne, L.(2014) Social Enterprise Ecosystems across South Asia. For the British Council.

  • Sonne, L.(2014) Network Geography of Social Enterprise in India. For Villgro and IDRC.

  • Sonne, L.(2012) Social Enterprises in Renewable Energy. For the Khemka Foundation.

  • Sonne, L.(2012) Poverty Reduction through Information and Digital Employment. For the Rockefeller Foundation.

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