Academic Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles and Chapters
Sonne, L. & Duvendack, M. (2023) The resilience of systems-thinking approaches when faced with an evolving crisis: The case of Mumbai. Development Policy Review.
Duvendack, M.; Sonne, L.; Garikipati, S. (2023) Gender Inclusivity of India’s Digital Financial Revolution for Attainment of SDGs: Macro Achievements and the Micro Experiences of Targeted Initiatives. European Journal of Development Research.
Sonne, L. (2023) Social Networks in Social Innovation. Book Chapter in Encyclopaedia of Social Innovation. Ed. Howaldt, J. and Kaletka C. Edward, Elgar Publishing.
Duvendack, M. & Sonne, L. (2021) Responding to the Multi-Faceted COVID-19 Crisis: The Case of Mumbai, India. Progress in Development Studies.
Sonne, L. (2015) The Usefulness of Networks: a Study of Social Innovation in India. Book Chapter in NESTA (2015), Social Frontiers, London, Palgrave Macmillan.
Sonne, L. (2014). Supporting Rural Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Beyond Microfinance, in Development Promise of Indian Microfinance: A Critical Reader. Ed. Nair, T. New Delhi, Routledge.
Sonne, L. (2011). Innovation in Finance to Finance Inclusive Innovation in India, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2011.06.008.
Fu, X., Soete, L., Sonne, L. (2010). Science, Technology and Development: Emerging concepts and visions, in The Rise of Technological Power in the South. Ed. Fu, X. and L. Soete, L. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Working Papers
Sonne, L. (2021) Women’s Mobile Phone Access and Use: A Snapshot of Six States in India. Dvara Research Working Paper Series No. WP-2021-03 June 2021.
Sonne, L. (2020) What Do We Know About Women's Mobile Phone Access & Usage? A review of evidence. Dvara Research Working Paper Series No. WP-2020-03 May 2020.
Sonne, L. & Chapman, T. (2018) An Inclusive Future of Work in India: Conceptual Framework and Review of Literature. ORF Occasional Paper.
Sonne, L., Narayan, P. (2018) Incubators and Accelerators at Higher Education Institutions in India. Ashoka University White Paper.
Sonne, L., Neelakantan, A. (2017) Household Approaches to Factors Affecting Nutrition: A Study of Two Indian District. LANSA Working Paper No 18.
Sonne, L., Bhatt, A. & Neelakantan, A. (2017) Understanding District Ecosystems: Implementation of Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Policies in Sabarkantha and Bijapur Districts. LANSA Working Paper No 17.
Sonne, L. (2017) The Policy Environment for Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Policy in India: Taking Stock and Looking Forward. LANSA Working Paper 15.
Sonne, L. & Bhatt, A. (2015) Social Enterprises in Conflict and Post-Conflict Zones: Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Okapi WP.
Sonne, L. (2014) Regional Social Enterprise Ecosystems in India: Conceptual Framework. Villgro & UNU-MERIT Working Paper.
Sonne, L. (2014) Policies and the Network Geography of Social Enterprises. Villgro Working Paper.
Sonne, L. (2010). Pro-Poor Entrepreneur-Based Innovation and its Role in Rural Development. UNU-MERIT WP.
Sonne, L. (2010). Financing Pro-Poor Entrepreneur-based Innovation - A Review of existing literature. UNU-MERIT Working Paper.
Sonne, L. (2010). India’s Rural Financial System: Does it Support Pro-Poor Innovation? UNU-MERIT Working Paper.
Sonne, L. (2010) Bridging the financing gap for pro-poor innovation: Towards a framework. UNU-MERIT Working Paper.