Performance Evaluation of the Millennium Alliance Platform
(Social Impact)
Inclusive innovation, social entrepreneurship, venture philanthropy, innovation platform
Innovation expert on a performance evaluation of a large Indian inclusive innovation platform. Review included analysis of secondary data, a large number of face-to-face and phone-based expert and user interviews; focus groups with end users and platform partners.
Reviewed social enterprise and impact investment activity across education, health, agriculture and financial services, primarily based on secondary research, and offered strategy and programme advice for new impact finance entity.
Benchmarking Social Enterprise and Impact Investment Ecosystem
(Svakarma Capital)
Inclusive innovation, social entrepreneurship, impact investment
Research projects comprising review of secondary data and literature, a firm-level enterprise survey, and twenty in-depth interviews. Worked on overall structuring of research study, research methodology, survey, as well as the analysis of data, drawing together a framework and a framework paper.
An Inclusive Future of Work
Future of work, women & work, technology & society
Landscaping, innovation mapping and rapid in-depth review of Indian and international best practices in innovative initiatives in child literacy and encouraging children to read for pleasure, to provide a set of recommendations for potential next steps for programme. Particular focus on technology-driven initiatives, and the challenges that implementation of tech and digital initiatives bring.
Benchmarking International & Indian Trends, Best Practices and Challenges in Reading for Pleasure and Access to Library Services for Children
(Tata Trusts)
Inclusive innovation, technology for development
Mapped social enterprises, incubators and impact investors in energy, health and agriculture, in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal and Afghanistan. The research included secondary data, phone interviews, in-person interviews and focus group discussions. The objective of the research was to provide a map of existing social enterprises and available support in each country; provide input on inclusive businesses for the WBG; and provide recommendations for setting up a SAARC Development Fund social enterprise initiative.
Social Enterprise / Innovation Ecosystems across SAARC: Study of Energy, Health and Agriculture
(World Bank, IFC, SAARC Development Fund)
Inclusive innovation, social entrepreneurship, social enterprise ecosystems, venture philanthropy
Two baseline studies in Bangalore and Pune (India) reviewed existing efforts by Swedish companies in and around those cities, that focus on improving the gender balance, equality and equity both within companies (through the HR function) and outside companies (through CSR funded skilling initiatives). The study explored gaps in support for gender-inclusive skilling and in initiatives that support gender inclusive work places and offered a set of strategies for the Kraftsamla platform.
Kraftsamla Baseline Study
(Embassy of Sweden)
Women & work, future of work, skilling
Study encompassing analysis of secondary data, ecosystem mapping, a survey, about 80 interviews with experts and practitioners in the CCI, and offline as well as online focus group discussions across Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Bangalore and Kolkata, to draw out current trends, strengths and gaps of city ecosystems, and opportunities for strengthening the ecosystems. The result was a programme and strategy recommendations for the British Council.
Research on Trends and Development of Arts and Culture Strategy India
(British Council)
Creative industries, creative entrepreneurship
Study of ten incubators at higher education institutions in India to understand how different incubators operate, and distil best practices in incubation of startups at universities.
Best Practices in Incubation at Higher Education Institutions,
(Ashoka University)
Higher education incubation, startup support,
An overview study mapping Mumbai’s digital creative content ecosystem with a particular focus on content creators, and the issues and opportunities they face, as well as the dynamic of the industry.
Mumbai’s Digital Creative Content Ecosystem
Creative Industries, Creative entrepreneurship, digital content creators
Worked with inclusive fintech platform and incubator Catalyst on options for long-term viability; assisted in research.
Strategy for Catalyst Fintech Incubation Platform
(IFMR Lead)
Fintech, incubation, startup acceleration, inclusive innovation, financial inclusion
The objective of the research was to provide an overview of Mumbai’s cultural sector landscape, cultural education and skilling landscape, and a review of the skills shortages and gaps, along with recommendations on how to fill these. We undertook 36 interviews with key stakeholders, hosted a focus group, reviewed existing materials, & collected data from two online surveys. This research focused on transversal and technical (non-artistic) skills.
Skills, Skilling & Skills Gaps in Mumbai's Cultural Sector
(British Council)
Creative industries, creative entrepreneurship, skilling
Systematic review of literature and evidence on women and work in India, including the ratio of women in the labour force, and factors for the low ratio.